Minutes January 2020
A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Pool Room, at The Royal Oak, Little Cawthorpe on Wednesday 8 January 2020.
PRESENT:- Chairman Cllr Graves
Vice-Chairman Cllr Grist (ELDC)
Cllrs: Mrs Poppleton
Also Present: Cllr Ms Parkin (LCC).
Apologies – None.
2. Minutes of Last Meetings
The Minutes of the Meeting held on 13 November 2019 were approved and signed.
3. Reports
Best Kept Village Competition (BKVC)
Cllr Mrs Poppleton advised that there was nothing to report, daffodils were coming through now.
Cemetery Working Group
The Committee noted that the Jubilee Group had obtained a suitable quotation for the removal of the old hedge, supply/install of rail oak Lincolnshire fencing and yew hedging. Provision had been made in the budget to donate to this project, but it was noted that costs had increased and it may be necessary to donate slightly more than the £2000 budgeted. As previously reported a boundary fence has been erected by the adjoining Parishioner. The Jubilee Group would be grateful for a donation towards the cost of this work. The new hedge would be installed as previously agreed by the Church (Clerk to contact the Church to advise work going ahead). Following discussion, it was
RESOLVED that a sum not exceeding £3000 be donated to the Jubilee Group to assist with the costs of completing this project at St Helen’s Church.
Legbourne Community Centre Group
Cllr Mrs Poppleton reported that the next meeting of this group would be on 14/01/20.
Speeding, Traffic & Highways Issues/Police Matters
The Vice-Chairman had reported the following: drain at the other side of the beck, Haugham Pastures and pot holes on Watery Lane. The power cut in the village had been dealt with very well, with generators being provided promptly.
4. Clerk’s Report – None.
5. Planning
The Committee Noted Planning Permission - N/102/01629/19 – Mr & Mrs J Lill - Land off Pinfold Lane - Erection of a detached single storey dwelling with an attached single garage, N/102/01899/19 Mr S Loveday – Ridgeway, Buston Lane – Construction of vehicular access & N/100/1779/19 – Mr Oliver – Trout Farm, Legbourne – Erection of 4 no. detached houses with detached single garages
6. Correspondence
ELDC – Electoral Registration.
7. Accounts
The statement of Income and Expenditure was noted which met the Council’s approval.
Clerk’s Salary £283.40
All accounts were received and agreed for payment.
8. Business
Co-option of Councillors
The Clerk reported that there had still be no interest for co-option to the Council, and that this would remain open for the next Meeting.
Projects for 2020/21
The Committee considered any Projects to be included in the budget for the new financial year. It was noted that the donation for the hedge would come out of the 2019/20 budget. The items below had been put forward at the November Meeting:
- Dead tree on Buston Lane
- The footpath at the end of the beck allocate no more than £2000
- Re-grouting slabs/slabs around pond allocate £400
- Village sign (near bridge)
The Committee considered the draft budget/precept document and it was
RESOLVED i) to accept the budget with the following changes:
- Re-grouting slabs/slabs around pond £400;
- Footpath at end of beck £2000;
- Village sign near bridge £1100;
- Decking/Viewing Point £3000 (total work expected to cost around £9000, so funds allocated in 3 trunches over 3 years);
ii) to request a precept of £3500, thereby not making any increase for 2020/21 financial year.
Pond Improvements
It was noted that a small amount of preventative management was required.
9. Matters for Discussion
The Committee had received comments about a recovery vehicle being parked at the other end of the beck, causing obstruction.
10. Date of Next Meetings
Wednesday 11 March 2020 at 7.30 pm.
Meeting closed 8.15 pm.
Chairman/Vice-Chairman ....................................Date ........................................