Minutes July 2024
A Meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Royal Oak on Wednesday 24 July 2024 at 7.30 pm.
PRESENT:- Chairman Cllr Graves
Vice-Chairman Cllr Grist (ELDC)
Cllr: Mrs Poppleton
Cllr Ms S Parkin (LCC)- None
2. Minutes of Last Meeting
The Minutes of the Meeting held on 15 May 2024 were approved and signed.
The Chairman advised that further to Item 10 Projects he had obtained a quote for the cost of village entrance gates (6 x 6 size), which included the gates, post and fitting. Cllr Mrs Poppleton had also obtained a quote which was for 4 x 4 size gates and she advised that her quote was considerably higher than that of the Chairmans. This matter would be discussed further at the September Meeting and would be an Agenda Item.
3. Reports
Cemetery Working Group
The Chairman advised that there were no matters to report.
Legbourne Community Centre Group
Cllr Mrs Poppleton reported that the Race Night had been well attended and the Charity Football in aid of the Air Ambulance had also been successful. A Fete had also taken place, which was affected by inclement weather.
Speeding, Traffic & Highways Issues/Police Matters
The Committee noted that yet another accident on the A16 had caused a large amount of traffic to speed through the village and that the roads had then been gritted and there was general concern regarding this continued unsatisfactory situation.
4. Clerk’s Report – None.
5. Planning
The Committee noted the Planning Permission/letter regarding N/102/00224/24 – Erection of a replacement dwelling house (works commenced) – Tumbledown Toft, Watery Lane and the Planning Permission for N/174/00687/24 - N/174/00687/24 Erection of a replacement house with detached garage & change of use of lane, etc., existing dwelling which is to be demolished at The Nursery Bungalow, Haugham Pastures.
The Committee considered Planning Application N/102/01038/24 - Change of use of agricultural land to domestic garden including the erection of detached greenhouse (works completed) – Land Pinfold Lane and it was
RESOLVED that there were no objections to Planning Application N/102/01038/24.
6. Correspondence
The Committee noted ELDC-Electoral Update, Clerks & Councils, LALC Newsletter, & Open Spaces–noted.
The Clerk had received an email from Legbourne & Little Cawthorpe Community Centre asking for consideration of a donation towards the running costs of the Yellow Pages and it was
RESOLVED to grant a donation of £120.00 for the Yellow Pages to Legbourne & Little Cawthorpe Community Centre.
7. Accounts
The statement of Income and Expenditure was noted which met the Council’s approval.
Clerk’s Salary £499.72 L&LCCC-Yellow Pages £120.00
8. Business
Beck Soft Planting – Item deferred to next Meeting
Pond Improvements
The Committee would assess any work that was required in this area and report at next Meeting.
Scarecrow Festival
Cllr Mrs Poppleton was awaiting delivery of leaflets to do a drop for this event. Some larger advertising had gone up.
Two-way Traffic Signage – Item deferred to next meeting.
9. Matters for Discussion-None.
10. Date of Next Meetings
Wednesday 18 September 2024 at 7.30 pm.
Meeting closed 7.50 pm.
Chairman/Vice-Chairman ....................................Date ........................................