Draft - Minutes of Meeting

A Meeting of the Parish Council was held at The Royal Oak on Wednesday 13 November 2024 at 7.30 pm.
PRESENT:-   Chairman                    Cllr Graves
        Vice-Chairman            Cllr Grist (ELDC)
        Cllr:                             Mrs Poppleton
  1. Apologies-None.
2.         Minutes of Last Meeting
The Minutes of the Meeting held on 24 July 2024 were approved and signed. There being no Minutes for September due to the Meeting having to be cancelled, for unforeseen circumstances.
3.         Reports
Cemetery Working Group
The Chairman advised that he had nothing to report.
             Legbourne Community Centre Group
Cllr Mrs Poppleton reported that the Scarecrow Festival had been a big success and the Community Centre Group had agreed to continue the event for 2025.
             Speeding, Traffic & Highways Issues/Police Matters
The Committee noted that there continued to be a lot of speeding through the village.
4.         Clerk’s Report
The Clerk advised that the NALC had agreed the new salary scales for Clerks and this would be discussed under Item 7. Accounts. She suggested that since the payslips had already been produced, it seemed sensible to make any adjustments in January 2025.
5.         Planning
The Committee noted Planning Decisions N/102/01038/24-Change of Use of Land-Pinfold Lane and N/174/00687/24-Erection of Replacement House-The Nursery Bungalow, Haugham Pastures. A letter from ELDC in respect of EC/102/00497/23-Tumbledown Toft, Watery Lane was noted. An application from the Planning Inspectorate regarding an installation by National Grid for a project from Grimsby to Walpole was considered and it was
RESOLVED to object on the following grounds (as stated in our repy):
  1.   Visual Impact – Lincolnshire is an area of outstanding natural beauty and the sight of so many over-powering pylons would greatly impact the natural beauty of this area, creating an over-bearing and over-whelming eyesore;
  2.   Design-the design is unsightly and unnecessary, the whole project could be installed underground, thus not impacting on the natural views and vistas;
  3.   Over-bearing-there will be a continuous trail of these pylons over a very great distance, they will be visible for many miles across the Lincolnshire countryside, spoiling the views for the residents and large number of visitors to this area;
  4.   Ecology-when as a nation we are trying to be more ecology-minded, it would surely be a logical move to put the pylons underground, despite the additional cost involved, to retain the green and natural areas of beauty we have. Clerk to respond.
6.         Correspondence
The Committee noted ELDC-Electoral Update, Clerks & Councils, LALC Newsletter, & Open Spaces–noted
7.         Accounts
             The statement of Income and Expenditure was noted which met the Council’s approval.
             Open Spaces-Subscription                  £  45.00           Clerk’s Salary              £416.52
             Hi-light Signs-Scarecrow Donation      £140.40           Clerk’s Salary              £416.52
             The Committee noted the pay award for Clerk’s from the NALC and it was
              RESOLVED  to award the new salary award for SCP 21 backdated to 1 April 2024 as approved by the NALC, to be paid in January 2025.
8.         Business
Budget, Precept, Projects for 2025/26
The Committee considered the draft Budget/Precept and amendments were agreed which the Clerk was to make ready for the revised document to be considered at the January meeting. It was agreed in principle that the Precept would need to be increased for the new financial year. The Clerk had sent out reminders to LIVES for an invoice, and BW Maintenance for their invoices and a quote for the new financial year.
Beck Soft Planting
Members discussed the current condition of this area, and it was agreed that planting would be required in the spring to soften the appearance of this area.
Pond Improvements
Members agreed that proper maintenance would be carried out in the spring.
Two-way Traffic Signage
The Committee noted that some traffic was confused by traffic coming from both directions on entering/leaving the Public House.
Village Entrance Gates
The Chairman advised that due to the narrow verges in the village this project was unsustainable. Therefore, it was agreed to disc
9.         Matters for Discussion
The Vice-Chairman reported that there had been 2 opportunities to access some “free trees”, so he had applied, and had been successful in getting a “village pack” with the Woodland Trust, although he presumed they would be saplings.
10.       Date of Next Meetings
            Wednesday  8 January 2025 at 7.30 pm.
            Meeting closed 8.00 pm.
           Chairman/Vice-Chairman ....................................Date ........................................