Agenda January 2020
Clerk: Mrs J L Gay
78 Monks Dyke Road
Lincs LN11 8DX
Tel: 01507 600383
24 December 2019
Dear Councillor
Notice is hereby given that the next meeting of the Council will be held on Wednesday
8 January 2020 in the Pool Hall at The Royal Oak, Watery Lane at 7.30 pm. There will be a 15 minute Open Forum prior to the commencement of the Meeting.
Open Forum
* * *
1. Apologies
2. Minutes of Last Meeting
To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 13 November 2019
3. Reports
BKVC-Cllrs Mrs Poppleton to report
Cemetery Working Group- The Chairman to report on boundary fence and any other relevant matters
Legbourne Community Centre Group-To Cllr Mrs Poppleton to report
Speeding, Traffic & Highways Issues/Police Matters -Any appropriate Member to report
4. Clerk’s Report
5. Planning
To note (or make) any planning applications/decisions prior to the date of the meeting, including the Planning Permissions N/102/01629/19 – Mr & Mrs J Lill - Land off Pinfold Lane - Erection of a detached single storey dwelling with an attached single garage & N/102/01899/19 Mr S Loveday – Ridgeway, Buston Lane – Construction of vehicular access; N/100/1779/19 – Mr Oliver – Trout Farm, Legbourne – Erection of 4 no. detached houses with detached single garages,.
6. Correspondence
To note any correspondence received.
7. Accounts
To consider the accounts and payments to be made.
8. Business
Co-option of Councillors – To consider any applicants and co-opt to the two vacancies
Projects for 2020/21 -To agree any Projects to be included in budget for new financial year
Budget/Precept-To agree the budget and precept for the new financial year
Pond Improvements – To consider any further action
9. Matters for Discussion
10. Date of Next Meeting